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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Three (3) separate attachments have been provided as highlighted in the Submission guidelines/Authors guide.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • All contributors' (main and co-authors) information (names, emails, affiliations, ORCID IDs) has been provided both on our submission portal and in the manuscript.
  • Where available, DOIs or URLs for the references have been provided.

Author Guidelines


UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research (UJMR) is an official journal of the Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Katsina. UJMR is an international journal dedicated to publishing original research works, technical reports, and critical reviews on a broad range of topics of general interest in areas of Medical, Environmental, Industrial, Agricultural, Public health, Food, and other aspects of Microbiology, Biological Sciences, and Biochemistry.


Manuscripts should be written in British or American English (but with consistency) on white A4 paper, portrait,  double spaced throughout leaving a 1’’ wide margin on both sides and the content should appear in the following order: Title (in Title case), author(s) Name and address (es), abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results (with tables/figures embedded in the text), discussions, conclusions recommendations, acknowledgement, references, and list of authors’ ORCID numbers. Authors that do not have an Open Researcher and Contributor IDentifier (ORCID) can visit to register in just three simple steps.

Articles should be prepared in MS Word format, in Times New Roman (12 font size) and should not exceed 15-20 pages. Any additional page attracts an extra charge.

Title of the Manuscript

The title must be written in the sentence case, reflect the content of the manuscript, and must not be more than 30 words. E.g.: “The Role of TLR-4 on the Mapkinases Signaling Pathways of Inflammatory Responses against Recombinant BCG Malaria Vaccine Candidate”


Authors should be listed with their surnames followed by the initials of other names. Affiliations should be stated after the authors' names. An asterisk should indicate the author for correspondence and his e-mail address should be provided. e.g.

 *1Tijjani, R. J., 2Yahaya, O. and 2Inabo, H. I.

1Departmemt of Microbiology, Kaduna State University, Kaduna, Nigeria.

2Departmemt of Microbiology, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.

*Corresponding Author:; +2348065650770


The abstract should be concise and informative containing briefly the aims and how the work was done, the results obtained, and conclusions in not more than 350 words.

Keywords – As the keywords are used for cross-referencing indexing, provide a maximum of 6 most relevant Keywords/terms found in the title or abstract. The keywords should be separated by a comma.

Study's Excerpt

The excerpt should be at least 3-5 short sentences highlighting novelty of the study, methods, (instrumentation/technicalities), results and (practical) implications of the study.

Examples of study’s excerpts can be found in the abstracts of our recently published articles at this link (click to view).


The introduction should be specific and relevant to the research, describing the problem statement, the state of the current work in the relevant field, the objectives and hypotheses being tested, and the contribution of your findings to the existing knowledge in the relevant field.

Materials and methods

This should be standard, concise, relevant and up-to-date details. State the reagents, types of equipment, software, etc used in the research. Provide detailed information on the various stages/steps of the methodology/experimental design and statistical methods used in data analysis.


Results should be well presented with tables and figures orderly arranged. Avoid duplication of information in the table, figures, or text.

  • Tables: should contain brief titles shown on their top and written in sentence case and bolded; should be self-explanatory (Place table explanations in the footnotes of the table); numbered consecutively in the order of their mention in the text (e.g.Table 1, then Table 2,).
  • Figures: should contain brief titles below them, written in sentence case and bolded with appropriate legend; numbered consecutively in the order of their mention in the text (e.g. Figure 1, then Figure 2,).



The discussion should be concise and not a repetition of results. Focus on the work presented, scientific interpretation of results, and their relationships with other relevant recently published works.


Point out the main result(s) obtained that differ from previous recent works and thus deserve publication.


UJMR uses the APA system of referencing. References cited in the text must be recent and must be listed under the reference list.

  • Example of in-text citation: A number of studies have shown increased LPS-induced JNK activation (Li et al., 2006; Hussey et al., 2013; Liang et al., 2013). Abdulkadir and Aliyu (2020) have reported similar findings.”
  • Example of the reference list:
  • For Journal: Fatima, M., Mukhtar, G. L. and Inabo, H. I. (2015). Antibacterial Susceptibility  Profile of  Escherichia coli  0157:H7  from  Shallow  Wells in  Some  Parts of  Katsina  State, Nigeria. Biological and Environmental Sciences Journal for the Tropics, 7(1): 62-69.
  • For Books: Norman, T. J. (2004). Statistical Methods in Biology. Second edition, Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom, pp.255-560
  • For Book Chapter: Salisu B., and Abdulkadir B. (2013). Mycotoxin regulations in 2013 and current developments. In: Worldwide regulations for mycotoxins in food and feed in 2013. Rome: FAO Food and Nutrition; 2014. p. 1–15.
  • For Thesis: Salisu B. (2017). Toxicological Studies, Phytochemical Screening, and Antimicrobial Activity of Stem Bark Extract of M.Sc. Thesis. Department of Microbiology, Bayero University Kano, Nigeria.
  • For Conference Proceeding: Salisu B., Anua M.S., Ishak W., Mazlan N., Lawal U. (2019). Bioburden and Phenotypic Characterisation of Mycotoxigenic Fungi Contaminating Commonly Consumed Food Grains in Katsina State, Nigeria. In: International Environment and Health Conference Malaysia. p. 48–9.
  • For articles from Organizations: WHO (2007). Guidelines on standard operating procedures for the laboratory diagnosis of HIV opportunistic infections. Retrieved from on 20th June, 2007.

List of Authors’ ORCID numbers

This should be placed below the list of references. E.g

Author A ORCID: -----------------------------

Author B ORCID: -----------------------------

Author C ORCID: -----------------------------


Authors interested in publishing their works with UJMR are required to log in (pre-existing users) or register (for new users) their account on the journal website. Using the journal online submission platform, three (3) separate attachments are required to be uploaded at the onset of the submissions:

1) Attachment 1: a document containing the Manuscript title, authors' names, affiliations and other information (ORCID IDs and the corresponding authors' Email).

(2) Attachment 2: Main manuscript (without the Authors' names and their affiliations/information).

(3) Attachment 3: scanned copy of evidence of payment (of the manuscript processing fee of 5,000 naira or 15 USD). Manuscripts not accompanied by processing fees will not be processed.

Articles will be peer-reviewed by at least two (2) different reviewers to ensure a high standard and the decision on acceptance of an article for publication will be based on the comments/recommendations of the reviewers. Upon acceptance of the article for publication, the corresponding author must pay a publication fee of N15,000.00 (within Nigeria) or 50 USD (outside Nigeria).

Alternatively, authors can make their submissions as highlighted above via the journal’s email address: Any difficulty or issue of concern can also be forwarded to the journal email.

Payment of Fees

Article processing fee is due on submission of a manuscript, while article publication fee is due when the manuscript is accepted for publication. These fees are non-refundable. Payments of the article processing and publication fee should be made in the following account only:

Account Name:     UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research (UJMR)

Bank name:           United Bank of Africa (UBA).

Account Number: 2099599544


The journal is biannual, published in June and December. All peer-reviewed papers accepted for publication in UJMR are published online monthly (immediately after all copyediting procedures are done) while the print versions (hard copies) are made available in June and December. The editors, therefore welcome submissions of original manuscripts that have not been published or considered elsewhere for publication.



Authors should note that plagiarism and breach of research ethics are not tolerated by this Journal. Hence, all manuscripts submitted to UJMR are subjected to plagiarism checks before being accepted for publication. Authors must not submit papers that are under review/consideration in other journals. Authors must fully acknowledge all sources of their information, such as methodology, figures etc. Authors are responsible and liable for the content of their manuscripts.


Authorship is restricted to persons who contributed to the paper (e.g. design and/or analysis and interpretation of the data/or drafting of the paper). All authors must review and approve the contents of the final version of the manuscript before submitting it for publication.

Conflict of Interest

The authors must declare a conflict of interest (if any) while submitting the final version of the manuscript for publication.

Authors are required to state contributions that do not justify authorship but need to be acknowledged/disclosed; source of funding, technical or material support, etc.

 Copyright Policy

By submitting a manuscript for publication in the UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research (UJMR), authors have agreed on the copyright policy of UJMR which operates based on an open access copyright policy (CCBY-NC 4.0 license) under which any person can copy, reuse or redistribute the published articles for any non-commercial purpose(s) provided that the author and the source of the article are properly cited.


Manuscript Withdrawal Policy of UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research (UJMR)

UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research (UJMR), reserves the right to retract any published article when there is suspected plagiarism or any scientific misconduct. The author can request for the withdrawal of manuscripts before or after publishing via a formal written request addressed to the Editor-in-Chief of UJMR with full justifications. Approvals for the withdrawal of manuscripts depend on the decision of the Editor-in-Chief and the editorial board of UJMR. There will be no refunds of article processing and/or Publication charges paid to UJMR if the processed/published manuscript is withdrawn. 


  • Call for papers
  • Article submission via the journal’s Website submission portal or as email to the journal’s email address.
  • Processing/screening of received manuscripts at the editorial
  • Manuscripts that meet the journal standard are sent for peer review, otherwise, rejected manuscripts at the editorial level are sent back to the authors.
  • The editorial board awaits the decision of the panel of reviewers
  • Acceptance letter is communicated to corresponding authors for articles that were accepted after peer review.
  • Authors are given at most two weeks to submit back corrected copies.
  • Corrections made by the authors are ascertained (vetted).
  • Papers are sent to the press for publication
  • Galley proofs are sent to the corresponding authors
  • Final published copies are released online and in hard copies.


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Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.