Evaluation of Heavy metals pollution around Kano municipal solid waste Dumpsites, Kano state, Nigeria


  • MZ Karkarna Department of Environmental Management, Bayero University P.M.B 3011-Kano
  • Mujahid Ajah Matazu Department of Environmental Management, Bayero University P.M.B 3011-Kano




Heavy metals, single and integrated pollution indices Kano, Municipal dumpsites


The research was conducted to assess the level of heavy metals contamination using single and integrated pollution indices in soils around municipal solid waste dumpsites of Kano Metropolis, Kano State, Nigeria. Forty two soil samples were collected from seven municipal solid waste dumpsites of Kano metropolis using circular plot method. A stainless hand auger at a depth of (0 to 15) top soils and sub-surface soils (15-30cm) depth were collected and analyzed with Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer to determine the heavy metal concentration. The mean concentration (mg/kg) of heavy metals from the depth of (15-30 cm) were observed to follow a decreasing order Pb (7.71)>Zn (0.50) > Ni (0.45) > Cr (0.31) > Cd (0.025) while for surface soils (0- 15cm) the mean concentration were in the following order: Pb (1.77) > Ni (0.49) > Zn (0.30) > Cr (0.27) > Cd (0.012).The results showed that calculated CF and Er recorded that investigated soil samples are uncontaminated with Zn, Pb, Cd, Cr and Pb and Ni. The pollution load index (PLI) was less than unity showing that there was minimum pollution in the studied dumpsite. The potential ecological risk showed that soil samples were in the class of low contaminated with the studied heavy metals. The results showed that concentrations of heavy metals of soil samples from dumpsites location at waste dumpsites of Kano Metropolis were within limits of European Union (2002) standards.


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How to Cite

MZ Karkarna, & Mujahid Ajah Matazu. (2021). Evaluation of Heavy metals pollution around Kano municipal solid waste Dumpsites, Kano state, Nigeria. UMYU Journal of Microbiology Research (UJMR), 6(1), 146–152. https://doi.org/10.47430/ujmr.2161.021

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