Antifungal Activity of Gueira senegalensis L. and Mangifera indica L. on Sorghumloose smut pathogen (Sporisorium cruentum (KUHN) POTTER)
antifungal activities, Sporisorium cruentum, Guiera senegalensis, Mangifera indicaAbstract
The objective of the research was to determine the antifungal activities of Guiera senegalensis L. and Mangifera indica L. leave extracts against most frequently occurring sorghum pathogen of the loose smut (Sporisorium cruentum) in Nigeria. Methanolic extracts from Guiera senegalensis and Mangifera indica L. were tested at concentrations of 250, 125, 62.5, and 31.2mg/ml as potential sources of antifungal agents for Sporisorium cruentum. All extracts exhibited moderate to good activities on the tested fungi with minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs). The test organism was sensitive to the G. senegalensis extracts, with 14mm and 10mm in diameter at 250mg/ml and 125mg/ml, respectively. The test organism was sensitive to M. indica leaf extract with 12mm in diameter at 250mg/ml. The results showed that both extracts exhibited inhibitory effects at different concentrations against the test organism. Therefore, it is concluded that extracts of G. senegalensis and M. indica could be used in controlling the fungal pathogen of sorghum loose smut (Sporisorium cruentum).
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