Physicochemical and Characterization of Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria from Soil Samples Within the Vicinity of Telecommunication Mast (Site No: 000148) Located at Karfi Town Kura Local Government, Kano State
Non symbiotic Bacteria, telecommunication mast.Abstract
The telecommunication mast associated-radiation is one of the primary factors influencing the way in which microorganisms interact with ecosystem. This study aims to assess the physicochemical and non-symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria (NNFB) from soil samples within the vicinity of telecommunication mast located at Karfi town Kura local government Kano state. Soil samples A, B, and C were collected within the vicinity of the mast at an interval of 10 meters, 20 meters and 30 meters from the mast respectively and control sample (D) was collected from location *(outside the vicinity of the mast)*. Physicochemical parameters of the soil samples were analyzed, isolation and identification of non-symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria were carried out using standard procedures. Samples B showed higher values of pH (8.02), phosphorus (23.95mg/kg), organic carbon (1.45%), nitrogen (0.28%) and organic matter content (2.50%) while control sample (D) showed lower values with 6.24, 2.77mg/kg, 0.41%, 0.07% and 0.71% of pH, phosphorus, organic carbon, nitrogen and organic matter content respectively. However, the moisture content(0.21%) of control sample is higher than that of sample A and B with 0.12% and 0.11% respectively The mean count of NNFB of the soil samples were 3.20 ± 0.06, 1.80± 0.12, 1.40±0.23, 1.20±0.20 for sample B, C, A and D respectively. Total of 14 isolates of the species Azomonas agilis 1(7.14%), Azotomonas insolita 1(7.14%), Bacillus megaterium 2(14.28 %), Bacillus azotoformans 1(7.14%), Bacillus mycoides 3(21.42%), Enterobacter cloacae 3(21.42%), and Klebsiella pneumonia 3(21.42%) were obtained. This indicates that the electromagnetic radiation from the mast has no effect on soil physicochemical parameters as well as non symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria proliferation.
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