Review on the Aflatoxins’ Contamination of Foods and Public Health Effects among Nigerian Population
Aflatoxins, Immuno-suppression, Stunting, Liver cancerAbstract
Aflatoxin in foods and feeds need adequate monitoring on account of their severe toxicity and carcinogenicity to both humans and animals. This review was aimed at examining the public health risks attributed to chronic exposure of aflatoxins in foods within Nigeria. Both the reported cases of aflatoxins in foods and biomarkers in Nigeria signified increase in dietary exposure. Aflatoxins contamination levels ranges from 1.3 ng/g to 51,192ng/g in foods with an estimated dietary exposure of 0.00017 ng/kgbw/day to 9, 880.56 ng/kgbw/day. The percentage incidence of primary liver cancer cases (PLCC) attributable to the dietary aflatoxin exposure for every 100,000 Nigerians per year ranges from 0.0024 to 708.13% between 1998 to 2008 which increases to 0.0046 to 45,602% between 2009 to 2018. The percentage incidence of PLCC signified by urine aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) levels in adults was around 0.23 – 1.29% per 100,000 population per year. In children, the estimated PLCC and stunting due to aflatoxin exposure via breast milk were 0.0019 to 237.71 cancers per 100,000 populations per year and mild to severe stunting with height-for-age z-score (HAZ) value above -3 HAZ reductions. Hence, there is need for additional monitoring of the marketed foods and implementing more stringent control and prevention strategies that reduce dietary exposure levels in Nigeria.
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