Effect of Varying Concentrations of Table Salt on the Microbial Fermentation of Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) Benth Seeds.
Fermentation, African Locust Beans Seeds, SaltAbstract
Local processing of Parkia biglobosa seeds for the production of the popular seasoning called Locust bean cake “Daddawa”, involves the addition of various substances including common salt. In this study, an attempt was made to investigate the effective concentrations of table salt addition on the microbial, organoleptic, and nutritional qualities of the product. Table salt of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5% (w/w) was added to a prepared pre-fermented seed of African locust beans (ALBS). A 2cm substrates thickness was prepared and aerobically fermented without stirring at 370C in an incubator for two days (48 hours) by spontaneous fermentation in clean plastic containers. The fermented products were assessed for microbial and chemical changes, sensory and nutritional properties. The results show chemically and nutritionally significant (at P<0.005), and organoleptically important effect of varying concentrations of table salt in the fermentation of African locust bean seeds. However, this research recommends the use of table salt at a concentration of 1g salt per 100g of the substrate mass for enhancement of desirable properties of the fermented product.
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