Occurrence and Antibiogram of Staphylococcus aureus in some Dairy Products Sold in Parts of Kaduna State, Nigeria
Staphylococcus aureus, dairy products, Kindrimo, ManshanuAbstract
Milk and dairy products are considered nutritious as they contain several important nutrients including proteins and vitamins. Conversely, they can be vehicle for several pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus. This study was conducted to determine the occurrence of Staphylococcus aureus in two indigenous dairy products. The antimicrobial resistance pattern of the isolates was also investigated. A total of 160 samples were examined using standard bacteriological procedures. The isolation frequency ranged from 0 – 17.50%, consisting of Kindrimo 5 (6.25%) and Manshanu 9 (11.25%). All S. aureus isolates were 14(100%) susceptible to Ciprofloxacin, Chloramphenicol and Gentamicin. There was 50% resistance to tetracycline, a commonly used antibiotic. Multiple Antibiotics Resistance Index (MARI) ranged from 0.3 – 0.7. The presence of S. aureus in the dairy products poses serious health risk and therefore calls for public health awareness.
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