Microbiological and Nutritional Analyses of Soybean Cake (Awara) and Camel Milk Cheese (Chukwui) Local Snacks, Vended in Kano Metropolis- Nigeria
Awara, Camel-Milk Cheese, Chukwui, Kano, proximate analysis, Soybean CakeAbstract
A study on the microbiological and nutritional composition of soybean cake (Awara) and camel- milk cheese (Chukwui) vended in Kano metropolis was carried out between September 2014 and March 2015. Two hundred samples were subjected to microbiological evaluation using standard procedures. Selective media were used to isolate some specific pathogens, and antibiotic sensitivity profiles of the isolates were determined using the disc-diffusion method. Proximate analyses were also carried out on 50 representative samples using the Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC. Results obtained indicated that soybean cake had mean aerobic mesophilic bacterial count of 1.37×103 cfu/g, mean fungal count of 2.37×104 cfu/g and mean coliform count of 17.65 cells/g compared to camel-milk cheese which had higher aerobic mesophilic bacterial count of 4.50×104 cfu/g, mean fungal count of 5.93×104 cfu/g and mean coliform count of 42.70 cells/g. Pathogenic bacteria isolated from the samples include Escherichia coli 13(50.00%), Staphylococcus aureus 8(30.77%) and Salmonella typhi 5(19.23%). S. aureus exhibited the highest antibiotic resistance compared to the other pathogens isolated. Proximate analysis revealed that soybean cake had higher mean percentages for moisture, protein, fat, fibre and ash than Camel-milk cheese. The isolation of some pathogenic agents from these snacks point to a potentially negative implication on public health, this suggests the need for more hygienic vigilance in the preparation and handling of these snacks.
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