Isolation and Characterization of MRSA from Locally Processed Meat Hawked in Gombe, Nigeria
Meat, Methicillin, resistance Antimicrobial Cefoxitin, MecA1Abstract
Three types of locally processed meat products were collected from vendors across hawking points in Gombe town. Stick meat (tsire) 30 samples, Roasted meat (balangu) 30 samples and dried meat (kilishi) 15 samples making 75 samples. Samples were taken to the Microbiology Laboratory of Gombe State University and analyzed for the presence of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) through culturing, biochemical tests and DNA analysis. The isolated Staphylococcus aureus were subjected to antimicrobial susceptibility test using standard antibiotics. The result showed 13.33% of the total isolates to be Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus as confirmed by the presence of mecA1, mecA 2 and pvl genes by polymerase chain reaction. This is of grat health importance to the public.
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