Assessment of Physico-Chemical Properties and Plankton Composition of Ajiwa Reservior in Katsina State, Nigeria
Composition,, Physico-chemical parameters,, Phytoplankton and ZooplanktonAbstract
Plankton composition and physicochemical properties of Ajiwa water reservoir were assessed over a twelve (12) month period. The physicochemical and biological parameters were determined using conventional methods and procedures at three sampling points. The outcome was revealed. The phytoplankton composition was Chlorophyta (57.66%), Bacillariophyta (25.70%), Cyanophyta (14.73%), and Dinophyta (1.91%), with Rotifera (30.55%), Copepoda (29.33%), Protozoa (22.27%), and Cladocera (17.85%) being the least. The temperature fluctuated with a mean SE value of (23.08 0.8OC); the pH fluctuated with a mean SE value of 6.8 0.1; and the turbidity fluctuated with a mean SE value of 99.3 3.6NTU. DO readings range from 3.8mgL-1 to 7.9mgL-1, with a mean SE of 6.6 0.3mgL-1. BOD showed monthly fluctuation, with a mean SE value of 3.2 0.4mgL-1. The electrical conductivity ranged from 102.4 µS/cmto 105.1S/cm, with a mean SE of 129.9 4.1µS/cm. The higher chlorophyta and rotifer composition in the reservoir indicated that the water quality is good, but increased human activities such as runoffs of inorganic fertilisers and pesticides may influence change in water quality over time. The reservoir water is suitable for irrigational and domestic purposes in terms of most of the physicochemical and biological parameters analysed. As a result, an effective anthropogenic inputs control strategy in the reservoir is required.
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