Assessment of Proximate, Vitamins, In Vitro Antioxidant, and Functional Properties of Some Polyherbal Formulations as Prospective Botanical Candidates for Pharmaceutical Applications
Turmeric, Coriander and Mint Leaves, polyherbal formulation, proximate, vitaminsAbstract
Study’s Novelty/Excerpt
- This study evaluates the combined effects of Turmeric, Coriander, and Mint (TCM) leaves on nutritional, functional, and antioxidant properties in polyherbal formulations, showing their superior glucose absorption capacity and antioxidant activity compared to single herbs.
- The research highlights a significant nutritional shift in the TCM formulation, providing evidence for its enhanced efficacy in nutraceutical applications.
- These findings show the potential of TCM as a novel botanical candidate for safe and effective pharmaceutical development.
Full Abstract
Conventional drugs have numerous side effects, toxicity, and microbial resistance, making them unsafe for consumption. Polyherbal formulations are popular due to their potency, low cost, clinical efficacy, safety, and success in chronic conditions. The study aims to evaluate the proximate, vitamin, functional, and antioxidant activity of polyherbal formulations of Turmeric, Coriander, and mint (TCM) leaves as potential botanical candidates for pharmaceutical screening. Thus, addressing these issues and improving access to drugs for individuals by focusing on polyherbal formulations (PHF) is a potential solution. All analyses conducted were determined according to standard assay guidelines. The proximate analysis shows no significant difference among the formulations (p > 0.05), with TCM showing a nutritional profile shift because of the combination of the herbs rather than single herbs. In the vitamin composition, Vitamin A displays a pattern among the formulations, with TC and CM showing higher values than TM and TCM, which are, in turn, better than the single herbs. Vitamin C fluctuates across the formulations. TM displays higher, while T shows the lowest. Vitamin E content remains relatively stable among the formulations with a difference from the single herbs. In the functional properties, GAC displays notable variations among the formulations. TCM exhibits the highest GAC at 14.7 %, indicating its superior ability to absorb glucose. TC, CM, TM, and the single herbs show a comparatively lower GAC value. WAC also varies among the formulations. TCM displays lower WAC compared to TC, TM and CM. The single herbs show the lowest WAC. OAC shows intriguing trends across the formulations. TCM and TC exhibit similar OAC, while CM shows a slightly higher OAC, and TM displays better than single herbs, showing no significant difference (p > 0.05). In the antioxidant Activity, TCM shows lightly higher scavenging activity in 40, 80 and 120 mg/mL concentrations than other formulations. The outcome of this study has led us to conclude that employing safe combinations of these herbal formulations for the production of nutraceuticals is recommended.
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