Physicochemical Properties of Mango, Coconut and Cotton Seed Oils and their Ameliorating Effect on Renal Toxicity in Wistar Rats
Coconut, Cotton, Mango, Oil, Physicochemical, RenalAbstract
Study’s Excerpt:
- The ameliorative effects of mango kernel, coconut, and cottonseed oils on hydrogen peroxide-induced renal toxicity is investigated.
- Physicochemical properties of the oils such as peroxide, acid, saponification and iodine values, among others were analyzed.
- Coconut oil showed the lowest peroxide value, highest antioxidant potential and hence superior histopathological recovery in the rats.
- Therefore, coconut oil is the most suitable therapeutic agent for nephrotoxicity compared to mango kernel and cottonseed oils.
Full Abstract:
Nephrotoxicity is the rapid deterioration in kidney function due to the toxic effect of medications and chemicals. Mango, coconut and cotton seed oils are natural plant oils with various beneficial and therapeutic effect. This study was designed to investigate the potential ameliorating effect of mango kernel, coconut, and cottonseed oils on hydrogen peroxide-induced renal toxicity. The physicochemical properties of the oils were determined, and kidney markers of the blood serum, such as urea and creatine, were analysed, followed by histopathology of the kidney. The physicochemical properties showed that the oil yield was 12.06 %, 65.29 %, and 35.18 % for mango, coconut, and cottonseed oils, respectively. Mango kernel oil had a higher melting point (29.25). The specific gravity of mango kernel oil, coconut oil, and cotton seed oils was 0.89, 0.91, and 0.88, respectively. The highest flash point was recorded in cottonseed oil (302.45). Cotton seed oil had the highest moisture content (0.35). The pH of Mango kernel oil was 4.88, coconut oil 6.97 and cotton seed oil 6.15. Mango kernel oil had the highest smoke point (250.73). The lowest peroxide value was observed in coconut oil (0.52), while the highest was in cottonseed oil (3.43). Cotton seed oil had the highest acid value (6.82) and iodine value (42.16). The saponification values of mango kernel, coconut, and cottonseed oils were 142.39, 258.98, and 180.31, respectively. The unsaponifiable matter was 1.46 in mango oil, 0.42 in coconut oil, and 1.50 in cottonseed oil. The percentage of free fatty acids in mango kernel oil, coconut oil, and cottonseed oil was 2.14, 0.21, and 3.40, respectively. The levels of creatinine and urea were significantly reduced in the serum of rats that received the oils, as compared to the positive control group. The histopathological examination showed significant recovery in the group treated with coconut oil. The results of this study, however, established that coconut oil had a better ameliorating effect on kidney toxicity compared to the other oils under study, which may be due to its antioxidant properties.
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