Improvement of the Nutrimental Status of Albizia lebbeck Seed through Solid State Fermentation by Some Fungal Species
Albizia lebbeck, Fermentation, Fungi, Nutritional status, Aspergillus niger, Penicillium citrinum, Cladosporium cladosporioidesAbstract
Fungal fermentation is a promising method of converting under-utilized non-conventional feed materials into edible food to combat hunger and malnutrition in the growing world population and provide a suitable alternative to conventional food materials. The nutritional status of Albizia lebbeck seed was improved through fungal solid state fermentation in this research. The pulverized seed was subjected to spontaneous fermentation to isolate resident fungi. Isolates were characterized and identified using DNA amplification and sequencing and were used in induced, monoculture solid-state fermentation of A. lebbeck seed for five days. Effects of fermentation on the seed were assessed on proximate, phytochemical, anti-oxidant, mineral contents and amino acid profile using standard methods. Isolated fungi were Aspergillus niger (OR879114), Penicillium citrinum (OR879113), and Cladosporium cladosporioides (OR879115). Generally, there was significant difference (P≤0.05) in the proximate composition of the post-fermented seed; the crude protein and total ash content increased from 10.79±0.53 to 22.69±1.83, and 5.16 ± 0.02 to 9.29 ± 0.12 respectively while the total carbohydrate decreased from 45.99±3.01 to 25.95±1.03, phytochemical content reduced significantly; tannins and alkaloids reduced from 12.14±0.20 to 0.34±0.01, and 20.70±2.18 to 0.79±0.08 respectively in sample fermented with Penicillum citrinum (OR879113). Anti-oxidant, mineral contents, and the amino acid profile were also remarkably improved. Fermentation with Penicillium citrinum strain OR879113 has the best products, while the least was in products fermented with Aspergillus niger OR879114. The fermentation with the isolated fungi has a significant desirable effect on the nutritional status of the seed of Albizia lebbeck.
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