Bacteriological Quality Assessment of Water Sold in Plastic Jerry cans within Katsina Metropolis, Katsina State, Nigeria.
coliforms,, water quality,, bacteriological quality,, water vendors,, KatsinaAbstract
Water is the second most important compound after air for the sustenance of life on our planet. It is the most abundant molecule in living cells, essential for the proper functioning of cells. It is one of the cheap vehicles that transport gastro-intestinal diseases. Therefore, water for human consumption must be free from chemical substances and microbes that may cause disease in man. This study was carried out to determine bacteriological quality of water sold in jerry cans within Katsina metropolis. Twenty different water samples (Five each from Kofar kaura, Kofar marusa, Dakitara and Filin polo) were collected and transported to the laboratory for analyses. Temperature and pH values of each sample were measured accordingly. The samples were subjected to aerobic mesophilic bacterial count, Coliform count and detection of Escherichia coli. The result showed temperature values in the range of 23oC to 26oCwhile pH measurements were in the range of 6.9 to 7.3. Samples from Kofar kaura, Kofar marusa, Daki tara and Filin polo had mean bacterial counts of1.718×106, 1.052×106, 2.042×106 and 1.612×106colony forming units per milliliter (CFU/mL) respectively, and mean coliform counts of 25.2, 122.6, 77 and 128 CFU/mL respectively. All samples from all the sampling points contained E. coli. The study stresses the need for environmental and personal hygiene by all water vendors. It is, however, recommended that water retailing by truck pushers be monitored and regulated to avoid the risk of a point-source epidemic.
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