Comparative Study of the Potentials of Aspergillus terreus, Bacillus species and Chlorella vulgaris on the Bio-Remediation of Reactive Red 198 (RR198) Dye
Aspergillus terreus, Bacillus species, Chlorella vulgaris, Reactive red 198 (RR198) dyeAbstract
Re-dyeing of fabric materials using synthetic dyes (such as reactive dyes) is fast spreading in metropolitan Kano which causes serious damage to the ecosystems. This study was carried out to compare the potentials of Aspergillus terreus, Bacillus species and Chlorella vulgaris in bioremediation and adsorption of reactive red 198 (RR198) dye used in fabric re-dyeing. This was achieved through inoculation of pure cultures of the organisms in the dye solution. The highest percentage adsorption for all the test organisms was recorded after 48 hours of inoculation, with Chlorella vulgaris displaying 86.4%, Bacillus species, 84.4% and Aspergillus terreus, 69.8% of dye adsorption. The results showed statistically significant difference in dye adsorption among the three species with Chlorella vulgaris having the highest adsorption potential compared to the Bacillus species and Aspergillus terreus. The adsorption process fitted with the Freundlich's isotherm, revealing a multilayer adsorption pattern. There is need for the introduction of better strategies that detoxify dyes before discharging into the environment to avoid further contamination.
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