Health and Environmental Impact of Xenobiotics in Water Quality Evaluation: A Review
Contamination, Drinking water, Environment, Pollution, XenobioticsAbstract
Study’s Novelty/Excerpt
- This review presents a comprehensive categorization and impact analysis of xenobiotics on humans, animals, and the environment, providing a novel synthesis of current knowledge in this field.
- It details the diverse sources of xenobiotics, such as microplastics and pesticides, and their pervasive presence in various environmental compartments, highlighting the significant issue of surface runoff contributing to pesticide residue in surface waters.
- Additionally, the review innovatively integrates a discussion on advanced detection and removal techniques, including cutting-edge chromatographic methods and bioremediation strategies, offering a holistic approach to understanding and managing xenobiotic pollutants.
Full Abstract
Xenobiotics are compounds or chemicals to which an organism is exposed, usually in large concentrations that are inessential to the regular pattern of metabolism of that organism. This review emphasised the categorization and impact of xenobiotics on people, animals, and the environment. It also gave a general overview of the process of discharging and detecting xenobiotics and their potential environmental fates. A chart of xenobiotic categories was also provided, including industrial products, insecticides, pharmaceuticals, personal care items, and radioactive waste. Microplastics and pesticides were discussed as xenobiotic chemicals commonly found in freshwater bodies; similarly, the impact of creating substances such as personal care products, medicinal chemicals, and insecticides through technology was discussed as the source of xenobiotics. Additionally, a thorough description of how pesticide pollution affects common environmental compartments such as soils, streambed sediment, groundwater, and surface water is provided since surface runoff accounts for more than 10% of pesticide residue in surface rivers. Effective techniques, including Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC), Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry GC/MS, and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) along with diverse chromatographic techniques were also discussed as techniques for the analysis of xenobiotics. These techniques are often paired with state-of-the-art detection techniques like high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS). Highlighted as well were techniques for the removal of xenobiotics using membrane processes, improved oxidation processes, engineered wetlands, photocatalytic degradation, biotransformation, bioremediation, photo-remediation, adsorption, and bioremediation to decrease the side effects.
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