Isolation and Identification of Bacteria from Soil Contaminated With Textile Dye And Tannery Effluents In Sokoto Metropolis
Soil contamination by textile and tannery effluents is a great concern to the environment, Complex effluents having a number of dyes accumulate in the soil there by polluting the environments and loss of microbial species in the soil. Samples were collected and the physicochemical analyses was determined. The pH was basic with 8.0 and 10.1 from tannery and dyeing site respectively. The organic carbon was very low with 0.76% and 0.06%, Nitrogen (0.067% and 0,095%), phosphorus 0.8mg/kg, and 1.62mg/kg), calcium (1.35mol/kg in both the two samples. Magnesium recorded 0.30mol/kg and 1.65mol/kg, potassium 0.85 mol/kg1.65mol/kg , Sodium 3.13mol/kg and 30.0 mol/kg in tannery and dyeing site respectively. The sand, silt and clay recorded (78.8% and 90.6%)(7.3% and 5.3%), (13.9% and 4.1%). The heavy metal content of the soil sample were determined the concentration of chromium was 0.0258 and 0.0043 from tannery and dyeing site respectively, while Nickel was almost unavailable in the site with -1.0700 and -1.0756. Lead recorded a very low concentration with -0.9164 and -7803. Thirteen bacterial species were isolated and identified based on morphology and biochemical charachteristics from the samples, tannery soil with frequency occurrences of 23.07% for Bacillus laterosporus, 15.38% for Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus megaterium while Bacillus firmus, Bacillus cereus, proteus vulgaris, proteus mirabilis and clostridium had 7.69% each. Fifteen species were isolated from the dyeing soil sample with Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus megaterium, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa with the highest frequency of occurrences with13.33% each. Burkholderia cepacia, P. florescense, Bacillus laterosporus,Bacillus amyloliquifeciens, Bacillus brevis and Proteus vulgaris had 6.66% each, all these were determine with the use of Microgen identification kit, molecular analysis was done on two bacterial isolates and were confirmed to be Alishwanella solinqauinati and Bacillus subtilis. These indicate that the species isolated can resist high amount of toxic chemicals and can withstand any harsh environment and hence their ability to serve as a potential biosorbents for bioremediation of the affected environments at a cheap cost.
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