Study on Physico-Chemical Parameters and Prevalence of Fish Parasites in Jibia Reservoir, Katsina State, Nigeria
Correlation, Helminth Parasites, Jibia Reservoir, Physico-chemical parameters, PrevalenceAbstract
A study was carried out to determine the relationship between physico-chemical parameters and prevalence of helminth parasites of fishes in Jibia Reservoir, Katsina State. Fishes and water samples were collected on monthly basis and analyzed. Fish samples were analyzed following standard parasitological technique and water analysis procedures was used to determine water quality. Seven species of helminth parasites were identified and these include Trematode: Neascus sp, Nematodes: Procamallanus laevionchus and Contracaecum sp, Cestodes
:Polyonchobothrium clarias, Bothriocephalus aegyptiacus and Proteocephalus glanduliger and Acanthocephalan: Neoechinorhynchus rutili. Prevalence was found to be highest (55.88%) in January and the least prevalence (21.74%) was recorded in August. A t- test revealed no significant difference (p>0.05) between the monthly prevalence of parasitic infection. There were variations in the monthly values of investigated physico-chemical parameters, though it was not statistically significant (p>0.05). The percentage of parasitic infection showed a perfect positive correlation with temperature (r=0.783), pH (r=0.250), Electric Conductivity (r=0.514), and Biological Oxygen Demand (r=0.135) and a negative correlation with Turbidity (r=-0.145) and Dissolved Oxygen (r=-0.699). However, further studies are recommended with greater intervals in order to identify the effects of physico-chemical parameters in the infestation success of helmith parasites in the study area.
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