Bioremediation of Waste Water Using Chlorella vulgaris Isolated from River Ginzo Effluents in Katsina State Nigeria
Bioremediation, Chlorella vulgaris, physicochemical parametersAbstract
The Bioremediation application of microalgae on wastewater effluent was conducted using single cultured specie (Chlorella vulgaris).Samples were collected from River Ginzo municipal effluent in Katsina metropolis and Wastewater was inoculated with Chlorella vulgaris as a single culture. treatments were periodically analysed (every 5th day) for a total period of 20 days for physico-chemical parameters such as pH, TDS, DO, Phosphate, Nitrate, Ammonium, BOD, Potassium and heavy metals using standard APHA method. The results indicated that, the parameter analyzed were statistically significants (p<0.05) were; Nitrate, phosphorus, ammonium, BOD, TDS, potassium, copper, cobalt, zinc, lead, iron and chromium recorded(75%, 91%, 87%, 30%, 52%, 80%, 39%, 42%, 21%, 13%, 20% and 19%) reduction composition respectively.Therefore, Chlorella vulgaris could be used for wastewater bioremediation as an environmental friendly alternative.
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