Bacteriological and Physicochemical Assessment of Drinking Water from wells located in the Industrial Areas of Kano Metropolis
Physicochemical parameter, E. coli, Wells, Chromium, GroundwaterAbstract
Physicochemical and bacteriological analyses were carried out on well water samples from the eight selected locations within the industrial area of Kano Metropolis namely Bompai, Sharada, Chalawa and Jaba (a non-industrial area) serving as control, using the standard methods. The results obtained were compared with the World Health Organization and Nigerian Standard for Drinking Water Quality. The physicochemical parameters monitored included pH, electrical conductivity, TDS, DO, BOD, Turbidity, chloride, nitrate, phosphate, zinc, iron, lead, manganese and chromium. The mean bacterial counts, coliform and faecal coliform counts ranged from 1.7 x103 cfu/ml, 18MPN/100ml, and 11MPN/10ml in BW2, (from Bompai), 3.2 x 102 cfu/ml, 33MPN/100ml, and 13MPN/100ml in CW1 (from Chalawa) and 7.0 x 10 cfu/ml, 11MPN/100ml and 4MPN/100ml in NW1 (from Jaba) respectively. Cultural, morphological and biochemical characterization of bacterial genera revealed the presence of E. coli, Pseudomonas sp., Shigella sp., Proteus sp., Klebsiella sp., Staphylococcus sp., Salmonella sp. and Enterobacter sp. The samples displayed elevated mean value of lead (0.14mg/l), EC (590.9 us/cm), TDS (119.13mg/l), DO (4.67mg/l), BOD (1.25mg/l), Zinc (1.76mg/l), Iron (0.6mg/l), Manganese (0.44mg/l) and Chromium (0.57mg/l). The result shows that out of the eight (8) wells sampled, only one (1) i.e NW2 is safe for drinking. Hence there is need for improved hygiene and regular hygiene education.
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