Production and Optimization of Amylase and Glucoamylase from Aspergillus Niger under Solid State Fermentation for Effective Production of Glucose Syrup
Glucoamylase, Amylase, Glucose syrups, Cassava, Optimization, Aspergillus nigerAbstract
The continual demand for sugars and coupled with the chemical hazards associated with chemically produced syrup had led to the development of enzymatic technology which has increased the production of glucose syrups most especially using enzymes from microbial origin. The aim of this work was to isolate, screen and optimized the best cultural condition that can lead to the production of glucose syrups from Nigeria cassava starch using enzymes produced by soil microorganisms. Also to determine proximate and physiochemical properties of the glucose syrup produced from yellow and white maize using microbial enzymes. The results obtained from the preliminary screening showed that most of the isolates obtained were Aspergillus niger. It was observed that Aspergillus niger had the largest zone of amylase activity of 35.0 mm when compared to Fusarium pallidorosium that had the lowest (5.0 mm). The optimal conditions for enzyme production; temperature, incubation period, inoculum concentration, and pH were 30 oC, 5 days, 1 × 106 CFU/ml, and pH of 5 respectively for the production of glucoamylase and amylase. Generally, strain AMO1 was observed to produced more glucoamylase when compare to amylase production. The crude protein, the colour, viscosity, ash content, reducing sugar content, pH and carbohydrate contents of the syrup from yellow maize were more than that of the syrup from white maize.
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