Evaluation of Stool Concentration Techniques in the Detection of some Parasites among Almajiri School Children in Sokoto Metropolis
Almajiri school, Concentration, Techniques, Sokoto, StoolAbstract
Infection with intestinal parasites is one of the main health issues in poor nations. It is estimated to affect 3.5 billion people worldwide, and 450 million people are thought to be ill as a result of such illnesses, with children making up the majority of those who are ill. By using several stool concentration techniques, this study was aimed at identifying parasite ova in the stool of Almajiri school children in Sokoto. The Formol-ether concentration technique, which is regarded as the gold-standard, Sheather's sugar floating technique, and saline floatation technique were employed to detect parasite ova in stool samples taken from Almajiri school children. A total of 137 stool samples were collected from Almajiri school children and each sample was examined by these concentration techniques. A prevalence of 37.9% of intestinal helminthiasis was observed by Formol-ether concentration technique. The sensitivity and specificity of Formol-Ether concentration technique were 96.2% and 97.8% respectively, followed by Sheather’s sugar floating technique 88.5% and 93.8% and the lowest sensitivity and specificity of 76.9% and 90% respectively were obtained in the saline floatation technique. There was a high prevalence of intestinal helminthiasis among Al-majiri school children, sheather’s sugar floatation technique was as sensitive as the Formol-ether concentration technique and more sensitive than the Saline floatation technique. Therefore, Sheather’s sugar floatation technique is recommended as a better alternative in the diagnosis of intestinal helminthiasis.
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